Friday, November 12, 2021

Lone Wolf's Blessing


If you are introverted, asocial, or just want to get away from crowds of people and have a moment of peace, then you may relate to this poem.  I wrote this within my note app in my phone a few years ago, and it still feels relevant to me.  I hope this old gem is appreciated by others.

Lone Wolf's Blessing

May you walk an open road with the horizon in front of you.
May a road free of traffic stretch for miles.
May you find empty parking spaces,
and full heads ready to help,
who back off when awkward moments arise.
May you read a book without interruption,
Watch a movie without overheard opinions,
Draw and write without shoulder surfers,
and without obstructing another's path,
use your phone without harassing eyes.
May no self-welcoming types derail
your train of thought, and
people stay out of the way.
Know that if someone harmed you long ago,
you succeeded in keeping them away for that long.

In the end, and along the way,
may you find solitude, silence, and solace.

*   *   *

Originally written:  April 10, 2019
Abridged due to the sensitivity of the internet.

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